viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Today we celebrate Peace Day at Los Cármenes School

Peace Day

Today it's the 30th of January and we celebrate Peace Day. We celebrate it today because a crazzy Indian killed Gandhi. Gandhi was a very important person in India. He loved peace. He fought with no violence. He wanted to fight the English army with no violence. He won the Nobel Prize.

The symbols of peace are: the white dove, a circle with a dove leg inside and we also represent peace showing a V with our pointer and midle fingers.

I think that all the people have to make an effort to reach peace. If peace doesn't exist the wars destroy the world. The war kills people... but with peace all the people are nice, noboby kills anybody... That proves that peace is better than war. In peace time people create better things for the people.

By Aurora and Ángel

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