miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Granada- Boston

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello Los Cármenes 6th graders!!
    I was wonderful seeing all of you in the webchat last week! It looks like your English has gotten much better since I was at Los Cármenes when you were in 4th grade!
    My students and I had a fantastic experience speaking with you. They thought that it was very interesting to meet kids whose first language is not English. Many of them had never met kids not from the USA before!
    I am sorry that you could not hear us very well. I hope that we are able to have several more webchats this year and we will try to find a better computer for next time.
    Keep up the hard work! Xaro can be a difficult teacher but she will help you learn a lot of English!

  2. From Nick Stavis:
    I thought the webchat was really cool because I have never actually talked to someone from Spain that was that good at English. I was excited that I got to hear about what their school is like and what they like to do. Again their English really suprised me and I wish I could speak Spanish as well as they speak their English. I wish I got to ask more questions that I did. I also learned what their academics are like and which teachers of there's were mean (I was a little suprised at that) and which ones were nice. The overall experience was awesome and I hope we can do more webchats like that again.
    Nick Stavis

  3. By Joula B:
    Hola creo que vuestro español es bastante bueno y espero que yo algún día pueda también tener vuestro nivel en inglés. Me gustó mucho la videoconferencia del otro día y espero que tengamos muchas más oportunidades. De esta manera podremos mejorar nuestro nivel lingüístico y conocernos mejor.

  4. Some interesting questions
    By Martina

    -We have 9 subjects. How many subjects do you have?
    -We go home at 2 o´clock. What time do you go home?
    - Our school is near to the city centre. Is your school near to the city centre?
    - In Halloween we came to school :(. Do you go to school on Halloween?
    - To go to school it takes me 10 minutes by car. How long does it take you to go to school?
    - My Phisical Education lesson is 90 minutes long. How long is your P.E. lesson?
    - My favourite subjects are P.E and Art. What are your favourite subjects?
