viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Thunderstorm in Granada

Yesterday evening there was a big thunderstorm in Granada

Granada inundadaGranada inundada

Granada inundadaGranada inundada
Granada inundadaGranada inundada

10 comentarios:

  1. I was really scared because there was a flood in my courtyard and also because my daughter was driving her motorbike.

  2. I was at home doing homework and when lightning strikes in front of my window scared me a lot. Everything was flooded and covered in ice.

  3. By Lucas P

    I was in the car and I saw a lightning. Then I heard a thunder. After, in my house, a part had a flood and now it is dirty.

  4. I was very scared. The thunders, the raining... a disaster.

  5. I was not scared because i love THUNDERS STOMRS!!

    By Vladik

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  7. i saw the rain throush the window

    by jose antonio

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  9. In my square the water broken my bike and my motorbike¡¡¡¡
